
I write congregational music that speaks to the mystery of God. That paints a vivid picture of Love. That mobilizes people to grow peace and justice in the world. That is free from toxic religion-inspired self-deprecation and violence. I don’t think we sing for God. We sing for each other and for ourselves. This is a good thing.

God is Love

By Matt Boswell (2022)

God is Love is God is Love
God is Love is God is Love
God is Love
Lean into Love

God is Love is God is Love
God is Love is God is Love
God is Love
Hold onto Love

Love can recreate
Love can liberate
Love is making all things new
Love can bring release
Love can nurture peace
Love is connecting me to you 

Love can welcome strangers
Love can shield from danger
Love is setting forth and coming home
Love can end oppression
Love can ease aggression
Love is holding on and letting go

Love can cast out fear
Love can make our pathway clear
Love is like a rainbow in the sky
Love can help us survive
Love can make us fully alive
Love is like a spring that won’t run dry


When I say “God is Love” I mean it. As literally as God-talk, which is unavoidably metaphorical, can be. Someone once asked me “why all the ‘is’s’ in the chorus?" I wanted to underscore the interchangability of the words. To emphasize that Love is not one of God’s many qualities to be counterbalanced with other attributes, but the essence of who God is, to me. And I thought it sounded nice. Meditative. Emphatic. The verses speak not just to what Love is but to what God/Love is doing in the world, in us.

May We Plant

By Matt Boswell, 2023

May we plant seeds of peace
Nourish them with care
Listen, learn, and stop our harm
May peace bloom everywhere

May we plant seeds of justice
Nourish them with care
Make repair, seek equity
Justice everywhere

May they grow (4x)

May we plant seeds of welcome 
Nourish them with care
Space for all to breathe and thrive 
Welcome everywhere

May we plant seeds of safety 
Nourish them with care
Weapons of all forms laid down
Safety everywhere

May we grow (4x)

May we plant seeds of hope
Nourish them with care
The way and will to make it through
May hope bloom everywhere

May we plant seeds of love
Nourish them with care
Know the good within us all
May love bloom everywhere

May it grow (4x)

May we plant seeds of peace
Nourish them with care
Listen, learn, and stop our harm
May peace bloom everywhere


The concept of “planting seeds” is something I picked up early on in my spiritual journey, though it primarily referred to the hope that people might one day become Christian, and that I might have aided them in that movement. Now, I don’t care whether people become Christian or not. I do care that people stop harming each other in ways that are preventable, were we more committed to listening, curiosity, and working toward a safer and less violent world. I want to be planting “seeds of peace” in the world. I want people to recognize within themselves what early Quakers called “the seed of Love” or “the seed of God” and nourish that seed in themselves and in others. How might we awaken and nurture the Love in each other?

God of Light

By Matt Boswell, 2019

God of Light and God of Love
God beside and God above
God in fear and God in hope
Light our way

God in chaos, God in still
God when empty, God when filled
God who speaks and God who hears
Light our way

God who lifts and God who grounds
God of lost and God of found
God of skeptic, God of sure
Light our way

God of all that breathes and grows
God of sun and God of snow
God of quick and God of slow
Light our way

God in joy and God in grief
God in sprouts and autumn leaf
God in growth and God in fade
Light our way

God of Light and God of Love
God beside and God above
God in fear and God in hope
Light our way


God meets us in many ways, in many seasons, sometimes in ways that seem paradoxical. This song tries to capture the mysterious and multifaceted nature of the Divine, showing up in our lives and leading us forward. Sometimes we need to move quickly, sometimes slowly. Sometimes we’re sure (that can be good), sometimes we’re skeptical (that can be life-saving). Some things are growing and some things are fading. It’s all sacred.

We Are Waiting

By Matt Boswell, 2024

We are waiting on Christ/Love to guide
We are waiting on Christ/Love to guide
We are waiting for us to rise
We are waiting on Christ/Love to guide

We are waiting with hope for change
We are waiting with hope for change
We are waiting to know they’re safe
We are waiting with hope for change

We are waiting for us to rise
They are waiting for us to rise 
Earth is waiting for us to rise
We are waiting for us to rise

We are waiting for rain to fall
We are waiting for rain to fall
We are waiting for an answer to our calls 
We are waiting for rain to fall

We are waiting for war to end
We are waiting for war to end
We are waiting for peace to begin
We are waiting for war to end

We are waiting for us to rise
They are waiting for us to rise 
Earth is waiting for us to rise
We are waiting for us to rise

We are waiting, They are waiting, Earth is waiting
We are waiting, They are waiting, Earth is waiting
We are waiting, They are waiting, Earth is waiting
Love is waiting

We are waiting, They are waiting, Earth is waiting

Love is ready to rise

We are waiting on Love within
We are waiting on Love within
We are waiting on Love to win
We are waiting on Love within

We are waiting for us to rise
They are waiting for us to rise 
Earth is waiting for us to rise
We are waiting for us to rise


Quakers speak often of “waiting.” Sometimes we “wait” to the detriment of those who need us to act. Sometimes waiting allows for a more inclusive process and leads to more thoughtful, focused action. Waiting often allows us to listen and learn. There’s a prophetic element to “waiting” in this song: we are waiting for people in power to do something to alleviate suffering. There’s a lamentful element to the song: we are voicing our own and others’ agony as we/they await resolution. There’s an empowering element to the song, which echoes June Jordan’s words: “we are the ones we have been waiting for.” What we wait for may signal what is important to us; this includes our own extremely important willingness to “rise” and take loving action.