Quaker Spirituality

“The affirmation that there is ‘that of God’ in every person is a fundamental part of Quaker spirituality…Friends are invited to participate in that of God in others and in themselves--affirming its presence, awakening its potential, nurturing its growth, and expressing its sacred beauty in ways that uplift and set free. ‘It,’ most plainly put, is the Love of God, dwelling within and among us.”

–Matt in The Quaker World (Ch. 25)

What Are Quakers?

What are Camas Friends Quakers?

Camas Friends Church is a participatory, inclusive, Christ-centered Quaker meeting in Camas, Washington that seeks to live out our faith by loving God and loving our neighbors. We are diverse in our beliefs, backgrounds, and personal experiences. This is an asset to who we are. We work to be a welcoming community for all people, one that loves without judgment. It is important to us to be active in our community and to care for those in need the best we can. We are open to dialogue, we like good questions, and we value the practice of listening.

How Do I Become a Quaker?

Participate in Quaker community! Becoming Quaker is not about affirming a set of beliefs, but walking a way of Love, in community with others. We walk that way of love through our practices of listening and discernment, through tending to each other’s neeeds, and through taking action in the world to liberate, repair, and relieve.